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Öğe Cortical organization of action and object naming in Turkish: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study(2024) Bulut, Talat; Temiz, GülkaderIt is controversial whether the linguistic distinction between nouns and verbs is reflected in the cortical organization of the lexicon. Neuropsychological studies of aphasia and neuroimaging studies have associated the left prefrontal cortex, particularly Broca's area, with verbs/actions, and the left posterior temporal cortex, particularly Wernicke's area, with nouns/objects. However, more recent research has revealed that evidence for this distinction is inconsistent. Against this background, the present study employed low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to investigate the dissociation of action and object naming in Broca's and Wernicke's areas in Turkish. Thirty-six healthy adult participants took part in the study. In two experiments, low-frequency (1 Hz) inhibitory rTMS was administered at 100% of motor threshold for 10 minutes to suppress the activity of the left prefrontal cortex spanning Broca's area or the left posterior temporal cortex spanning Wernicke's area. A picture naming task involving objects and actions was employed before and after the stimulation sessions to examine any pre- to post-stimulation changes in naming latencies. Linear mixed models that included various psycholinguistic covariates including frequency, visual and conceptual complexity, age of acquisition, name agreement and word length were fitted to the data. The findings showed that conceptual complexity, age of acquisition of the target word and name agreement had a significant effect on naming latencies, which was consistent across both experiments. Critically, the findings significantly associated Broca's area, but not Wernicke's area, in the distinction between naming objects and actions. Suppression of Broca's area led to a significant and robust increase in naming latencies (or slowdown) for objects and a marginally significant, but not robust, reduction in naming latencies (or speedup) for actions. The findings suggest that actions and objects in Turkish can be dissociated in Broca's area.Öğe Hijacking limitations of working memory load to test for composition in language(2024) Ullman, Michael T.; Bulut, Talat; Walenski, MatthewAlthough language depends on storage and composition, just what is stored or (de)composed remains unclear. We leveraged working memory load limitations to test for composition, hypothesizing that decomposed forms should particularly tax working memory. We focused on a well-studied paradigm, English inflectional morphology. We predicted that (compositional) regulars should be harder to maintain in working memory than (non-compositional) irregulars, using a 3-back production task. Frequency, phonology, orthography, and other potentially confounding factors were controlled for. Compared to irregulars, regulars and their accompanying -s/-ing-affixed filler items yielded more errors. Underscoring the decomposition of only regulars, regulars yielded more bare-stem (e.g., walk) and stem affixation errors (walks/walking) than irregulars, whereas irregulars yielded more past-tense-form affixation errors (broughts/tolded). In line with previous evidence that regulars can be stored under certain conditions, the regular-irregular difference held specifically for phonologically consistent (not inconsistent) regulars, in particular for both low and high frequency consistent regulars in males, but only for low frequency consistent regulars in females. Sensitivity analyses suggested the findings were robust. The study further elucidates the computation of inflected forms, and introduces a simple diagnostic for linguistic composition.Öğe Determination of cyberloafing level of speech and language therapy department students(2024) Karalı, Fenise Selin; Tosun, Samet; Şen Aksüt, Meltem; Kaçar Kütükçü, DilberCyberloafing is the use of (e.g. smartphones, tablets, laptops, and the Internet) for purposes other than work related reasons during work hours. Although cyberloafing in the workplace has been widely investigated, there is relatively a small number of studies on cyberloafing behaviors in educational settings, which refer to students' tendencies to use technology for non-class-related purposes during lectures. The goal of the current study is to determine how frequently and for what purposes speech and language therapy (SLT) students at Biruni University engage in cyberloafing during lectures. In this quantitative study, The Cyberloafing Scale was administered to 264 undergraduate students (235 female; 27 male; 2 preferred not to disclose). The results revealed that SLT students’ cyberloafing behavior was very high. However, there is no statistically significant difference between the gender variable and the overall mean score for cyberloafing. There is a statistically significant difference between genders in gaming/gambling subscale favoring males and in shopping subscale favoring females. Further studies should be conducted to analyze cyberloafing behavior in health education.Öğe Knowledge of speech and language therapists about drugs related to speech, language, voice and swallowing disorders(2024) Birol, Namık Yücel; Gündüz, Esra Yaşar; Tosun, SametThis descriptive study aims to assess the knowledge of speech and language therapists, who assess and treat clients with speech, language, voice, and swallowing disorders, their pharmacology education, and regarding the drugs related to these disorders. This study involved 96 speech and language therapists from different regions of Türkiye. A survey based on the literature was created to assess the level of knowledge of participants about the indications, contraindications and side effects of drugs related to speech, language, voice and swallowing disorders, as well as their pharmacology training. Our study determined that more than half of the participants had a low level or no knowledge about the indications, contraindications and side effects of drugs related to speech, language, voice and swallowing disorders. In addition, 86.5% of participants reported that they had not received adequate training on drugs at the bachelor and graduate level, and 93.8% of participants would like to receive more training on this subject. Since there is no study in literature that assesses the pharmacology knowledge of speech and language therapists, it is envisaged that our research will make a significant contribution to the field and raise the level of knowledge and awareness among professionals.Öğe Domain-general and domain-specific functional networks of Broca's area underlying language processing(John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2023) Bulut, TalatIntroductionDespite abundant research on the role of Broca's area in language processing, there is still no consensus on language specificity of this region and its connectivity network. MethodsThe present study employed the meta-analytic connectivity modeling procedure to identify and compare domain-specific (language-specific) and domain-general (shared between language and other domains) functional connectivity patterns of three subdivisions within the broadly defined Broca's area: pars opercularis (IFGop), pars triangularis (IFGtri), and pars orbitalis (IFGorb) of the left inferior frontal gyrus. ResultsThe findings revealed a left-lateralized frontotemporal network for all regions of interest underlying domain-specific linguistic functions. The domain-general network, however, spanned frontoparietal regions that overlap with the multiple-demand network and subcortical regions spanning the thalamus and the basal ganglia. ConclusionsThe findings suggest that language specificity of Broca's area emerges within a left-lateralized frontotemporal network, and that domain-general resources are garnered from frontoparietal and subcortical networks when required by task demands.Öğe Afazili bireylerde dil becerileri ve istatistiki öğrenme becerisi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi(Dilbilim Derneği, 2023) Bulut, Talat; Bahar, EmineÖZ: Afazi; bireylerdeki çeşitli dil, konuşma ve iletişim becerilerinde sorunlara yol açan bir dil bozukluğudur. Afazinin yalnızca dil becerilerinde değil, bilişsel beceriler üzerinde de etkisi olduğu düşünülmektedir. Mevcut çalışmada istatistiki öğrenmenin dil becerileri üzerindeki etkisi ve afazi ile olası ilişkisinin araştırılması hedeflenmiştir. Ayrıca farklı algısal alanlardaki (işitsel ve görsel alanlar) istatistiki öğrenme becerisinin dil becerilerini farklı şekilde etkileyip etkilemediği araştırmanın alt amacıdır. Bu amaçla afazi grubu (n = 16) ve bu bireylerle yaş ve eğitim seviyesi açısından eşleştirilmiş sağlıklı kontrol grubundaki (n = 29) bireylerden bilişsel beceriler (görsel ve işitsel istatistiki öğrenme, sözel olmayan zekâ) ve dil becerilerine (Afazi Dil Değerlendirme Testi) ilişkin ölçümler alınmıştır. Elde edilen veriler Kruskal-Wallis testleri ve çoklu regresyon modelleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Afazi Dil Değerlendirme Testi skorları ile istatistiki öğrenme skorları arasındaki ilişki incelediğinde okuma, konuşma akıcılığı ve dilbilgisi alt testlerinde görsel istatistiki öğrenmenin pozitif yönlü yordayıcı etkisi görülmüştür. Özellikle görsel istatistiki öğrenme becerisinin afazide dil becerileri ile ilişkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bulguların afazi değerlendirme ve terapi süreçlerini etkileyebilecek potansiyeli bulunmaktadır.Öğe A preliminary comparison of fluent and non-fluent speech through Turkish predictive cluttering inventory-revised(Elsevier Inc., 2024) Altınsoy, Aslı; Özdemir, Ramazan Sertan; Torun, ŞükrüPurpose: The aim of this study is to compare the speech fluency performance of non-fluent participants namely people with stuttering (PWS), people with cluttering (PWC) and people with cluttering and stuttering (PWCS) with a fluent control group using the Turkish version of Predictive Cluttering Inventory-revised (TR-PCI-r).Methods: The study recruited non-fluent individuals (n = 60) and fluent controls (n = 60) between the ages of 6 and 55. The non-fluent group was perceptually evaluated by two speech and language pathologists (SLP). The speaking, reading and retelling samples were collected from 18 PWC, 17 PWCS, 25 PWS and 60 controls. The scores of each factor were compared. Age and gender differences were analyzed. Validity and reliability were calculated. Results: The agreement between two SLPs was found to be at the barely acceptable level (kappa = 0.378). PWC and PWCS produced parallel outcomes in the speech motor area. In every other domain and in total scores, PWC were different from PWCS, PWS, and the controls. There was a variation in the total scores obtained by the children and adolescents in the PWS and between males and females in the controls. Except for three items (namely items 8, 22, 27), TR-PCI-r met the content validity criterion. Furthermore, TR-PCI-r was found to be a reliable tool as shown by alpha> 0.70 and ICC values of between 0.75 and 0.90.Conclusion: The scores from TR-PCI-r indicated that, speech motor characteristics of PWC and PWCS were similar. Other features assessed by the tool seemed to distinguish PWC from PWCS, PWS and controls.Öğe Sendromik ve sendromik olmayan dudak-damak yarığı: Ayırt edici özellikler(Türkiye Klinikleri Yayınevi, 2021) Ergüvenli, Özlem; Ünal Logacev, ÖzlemAmaç: Dudak-damak yarığı (DDY) olan bireyler, doğumdan erişkinliğe kadar ki süreçte multidisipliner bir ekip tarafından uzun süreli takip ve tedaviye ihtiyaç duymaktadırlar. Kimi zaman DDY’li bireyler çeşitli sendromlarla ilişkilendirilmektedirler. Sendromik olan ve olmayan DDY’li olguların birbirlerinden ayırt edici özelliklerinin belirlenmesi, multidisipliner ekip elemanlarının bu olgular için doğru yönlendirme yapmalarına ve hem cerrahi hem de terapötik olarak doğru müdahalede bulunmalarına olanak sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, DDY’li bireylerde sendromlarla ilişkilendirilen sağlık sorunları, periferal bulgular, genel gelişim ve dil sorunları açısından sendromu olan ve olmayan DDY’li 2 grubu karşılaştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmanın katılımcıları dudak-damak yarığı, submuköz damak yarığı ve velofaringeal yetmezlik sorunlarından en az birini yaşayan 0-12 yaş arasındaki bireylerden oluşmaktadır. Katılımcılar, kraniyofasiyal sendromu olan (n=19) ve herhangi bir kraniyofasiyal sendromu olmayan (n=48) olgular olarak 2 gruba ayrılmıştır. Değerlendirmeler için DudakDamak Yarığı Değerlendirme Formu, Ankara Gelişim Tarama Envanteri (AGTE) ve Türkçe Erken Dil Gelişimi Testi kullanılmıştır. Toplanan veriler IBM SPSS 25.0 yazılımı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Her 2 grup arasında oral-periferal özellikler, sistemik tıbbi sorunlar, dil gelişimi ve genel gelişim açısından istatistiksel farklılıklar bulunmuştur. AGTE sonuçları, özellikle motor gelişim alanlarında, tavan etkisi nedeniyle klinik gözlemlerle örtüşmeyen sonuçlar vermiştir. Sonuç: Sendromik olgularda sendromik olmayanlara göre; gelişim gerilikleri, dil bozuklukları, sistemik sağlık sorunları ve periferal malformasyonlar çok daha fazla gözlenmektedir. Bu sonuçlara göre DDY ile birlikte gözlenen sistemik ve periferik sorunların varlığında dil ve konuşma terapistlerinin sendrom şüphesi ile genetik yönlendirme yapmaları önerilmektedir.Öğe Preferences of speech and language therapists for telepractice in the COVID-19 pandemic and factors affecting their acceptance of the delivery model(2021) Cangi, Mehmet Emrah; Yaşa, İbrahim Can; Işıldar, AyşeObjectives: With the COVID-19 pandemic, telepractice became a great option in speech-language therapy services, as in many healthcare utilities. However, the transition to this service model did not occur at a similar rate for every clinician. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the experiences, preferences and factors affecting the acceptance of speech-language therapists (SLT) regarding telepractice in Turkey.Methods: Sixty-seven SLTs were presented with a questionnaire that addressed the professional tendencies, experiences and views on telepractice of them. Descriptive statistics regarding the preferences and experiences of SLTs were calculated. Moreover, factors that might be related to the number of sessions they held at the pandemic were examined with the Chi-squared test.Results: The speech-language disorders that SLTs find the most suitable for telepractice were fluency disorders, voice disorders and speech sound disorders. Groups that SLTs deemed most suitable for receiving telepractice in terms of age were 12-21, 22-64 and 7-11, respectively. A significant relationship was found between the frequency of online meetings and telepractice sessions before the pandemic and the number of sessions during the pandemic. Furthermore, a significant relationship also was found between satisfaction with using clinician skills in telepractice and the number of telepractice sessions during the pandemic.Conclusions: The importance of the first experiences of SLTs in the acceptance of the delivery method emerged. The necessity of in-service trainings and exemplary models to improve attitudes emerged. With these trainings, ensuring security, standardizing practices and increasing qualified services will be provided as well.Öğe Intonation of Greek in contact with Turkish: A diachronic study(Cambridge University Press, 2022) Baltazani, Mary; Przedlacka, Joanna; Ünal Logacev, Özlem; Logacev, Pavel; Coleman, JohnAsia Minor Greek (AMG) speakers cohabited with Turkish speakers for eight hundred years until the 1923 Lausanne Convention, which forced a two-way mass population exchange between Turkey and Greece and severed their everyday contact. We compare the intonation of the continuation rise tune in the speech of first-generation AMG speakers born in Turkey with three subsequent generations born in Greece. We examine how long contact effects in intonation persist after contact has ceased, through comparison of the f0 patterns in four generations of AMG speakers with those of their Athenian Greek- and Turkish-speaking contemporaries. The speech of the first-generation of AMG speakers exhibits two patterns in the f0 curve shape and time alignment of the continuation rises, one Athenian-like and one Turkish-like. Over subsequent generations use of the latter diminishes, while the Athenian pattern becomes more frequent, indicating intergenerational change.Öğe Cultural and linguistic practice with children with developmental language disorder: Findings from an international practitioner survey(Karger, 2021) Stankova, Margarita; Rodríguez-Ortiz, Isabel R.; Mati?, Ana; Levickis, Penny; Lyons, Rena; Messarra, Camille; Kouba Hreich, Edith; Vulchanova, Mila; Vulchanov, Valentin; Czaplewska, Ewa; Ringblom, Natalia; Hansson, Kristina; Håkansson, Gisela; Jalali-Moghadam, Niloufar; Dionissieva, Katya; Günhan Şenol, Nazmiye Evra; Law, JamesBackground: The cultural and language diversity across many European countries presents a range of challenges and opportunities for speech and language therapists and other practitioners working with children with developmental language disorders (DLD) and their families. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore practitioners' perceptions of cultural and linguistic differences in response to children with DLD across different countries. Methods: A survey was developed by practitioners and researchers working with children with DLD across Europe and beyond as part of the work of Cost Action IS1406. Data from 1,358 practitioners from 8 European countries - Ireland, UK, Bulgaria, Poland, Croatia, Spain, Norway and Sweden - and 2 neighbour countries - Turkey and Lebanon - were included in the present analyses, which address two groups of questions. The first focuses on practitioners' perceptions of the way that parents think about cultural differences and their relationship to language development in their children. The second concerns the extent to which practitioners consider themselves to have the skills to work with children from other cultures and using different languages. Results/Conclusions: Most countries present a similar profile with intermediate results about their perception of cultural issues, but Lebanon and Turkey are the group with the most positive responses. In terms of bilingual issues most practitioners indicated that they only worked in their country's primary language. The only country where this was not the case was Lebanon. Professionals from Spain and Lebanon form a subgroup in terms of their confidence to work with different cultural/language groups. The paper highlights both the universal importance of cultural and linguistic competence in managing young children's needs and indicates that in most cases professionals do not think they have the necessary expertise to work with cultural and linguistic diversity.Öğe Turkish adaptation of modified mann swallowing ability test in patients with acute stroke: A validity and reliability study(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2022) Berber Çiftci, Hilal; Topbaş, SeyhunObjective: The aim of the dysphagia screening test is to identify as many cases as possible before aspiration occurs. In Türkiye, there is a need for a practical and non-invasive screening test that evaluates swallowing pre-skills apart from comprehensive clinical tests. For this purpose, the Turkish validity and reliability of the Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (MMASA) test were examined. Material and Methods: The test was translated into Turkish, and its content validity index was calculated. Then, the test was re-translated to English, and its compliance with the original version was evaluated. The generated Turkish MMASA (TR-MMASA) test was applied to 90 patients with acute stroke. Similar scale validity was evaluated by checking its compliance with the Turkish Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability (T-MASA) test. The test-retest and interrater reliability methods were used for reliability analysis. Internal consistency (IC) and item-total correlation were examined. Results: Reliability was calculated according to intraclass correlation (ICC) coefficients (ICC=0.92, ICC=0.97). IC and item-total correlation coefficients were examined (Cronbach’s alpha=0.91). For convergent and discriminant validity, T-MASA test was applied, and the Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient was examined (r=0.88). As a result of the receiver operating characteristic analysis, the sensitivity (87%), specificity (88%), positive predictive value (0.77), negative predictive value (0.93), positive likelihood ratio (7.14) and negative likelihood ratio (0.14) percentages of the test were found valid. Conclusion: TR-MMASA test was found to be a valid and reliable screening test for bedside clinical evaluation in patients with acute stroke.Öğe Effectiveness of virtual reality-based vestibular rehabilitation in patients with peripheral vestibular hypofunction(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2022) Başoğlu, Yuşa; Şerbetçioğlu, Mustafa Bülent; Çelik, İlayda; Demirhan, HasanIndexed keywords Metrics Abstract Background/aim: The rehabilitation of classical peripheral vestibular disorders is long and costly. Recently, interactive systems based on virtual reality (VR) technology have reduced the cost of vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) and made the process more enjoyable. This study aims to investigate the effects of VR-based VRT in patients diagnosed with peripheral vestibular hypofunction (PVH). Materials and methods: In this study, a VR-based VRT program that utilized Sony Playstation®4 VR Head Mounted Display was applied to 25 patients (between 18–60) diagnosed with PVH. PVH was diagnosed by evaluating the patients’ clinical histories, the findings in the “Micromedical Technologies VisualEyes Spectrum” videonystagmography (VNG) and the “Micromedical Aqua Stim” model bithermal water caloric tests. VR-based VRT program was applied to the patients for 4 weeks, 2 sessions per week, 8 sessions in total. Each session lasted around 30 to 40 min. All patients underwent the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI), Sensory Organization Test (SOT), Adaptation Test (ADT), Limits of Stability (LOS), and Rhythmic Weight Shift (RWS) before, after, and 8-week follow-up of the VRT program. In addition, the Cybersickness Survey was applied to the patients at the end of the VR-based VRT session every week. Results: The DHI mean scores of the patients were 54.60, 19.20, and 16.84, respectively, before, just after, and at the 8-week follow-up VRT (p < 0.001). The mean SOT composite score of the patients was obtained as 58.08 before VRT; 77.16 after VRT and 76.40 at 8-week after VRT (p < 0.000). On the other hand, the values in the ‘movement velocity’ and “direction control” parameters of the patients in LOS and RWS showed a significant improvement after VRT compared to before VRT (p < 0.000). From before VRT to 8 weeks after VRT, the patient’s oscillation averages in the ‘toes up’ and ‘toes down’ positions in ADT reduced progressively (p < 0.000). Conclusion: This study demonstrates that implementing a VR-based VRT protocol may be an efficient option to improve posture stability and the quality of life in patients with PVH. In addition, VR-based vestibular rehabilitation therapy has shown to be effective for PVH patients in the mid-term.Öğe Adaptation of the Aphasia Impact Questionnaire-21 into Turkish: Reliability and validity study(Routledge Journals, 2022) Yaşar, Esra; Günhan Şenol, Nazmiye Evra; Ertürk Zararsız, Gözde; Birol, Namık YücelPractices for the evaluation and treatment for people with aphasia (PWA) is dominated by an impairment-based view of aphasia. The number of aphasia evaluation tools adapted or developed to reflect PWA's perspective in Turkish is limited. Aphasia Impact Questionnaire-21 (AIQ-21), a tool developed based on the social model of disability, measures the individuals' quality of life from their own perspective. This study sought to adapt and establish the validity and reliability of AIQ-21 in Turkish (AIQ-21-TR) to meet this need. Data from 43 PWA and 61 healthy participants were analysed to determine AIQ-21-TR's construct, criterion, face validity and content validity. Reliability of the scale was assessed using Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficients and the inter-item and item-total score correlations coefficients. Correlation between AIQ-21-TR and Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale-39 Turkish (SAQOL-39-TR) was also calculated. The validity analysis indicated that the Turkish adaptation of AIQ-21 has a high level of construct, content, face, and criterion validity. Similarly, the reliability analysis showed that the adapted questionnaire has an excellent reliability coefficient (alpha = 0.91). Our findings suggested that AIQ-21-TR may be used as a reliable and valid tool with PWA in clinical and research settings.Öğe The attitudes of employers towards stuttering and people who stutter: Descriptive research(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2022) Çağlayan, Ayhan; Özdemir, Ramazan SertanObjective: This study is designed to put forth how stuttering -as a disorder- and people who stutter (PWS) are perceived by employers in Türkiye and reveal attitudes of employers toward PWS in consideration of gender and educational status. The current study also investigates different responses of employers in 5 business areas (health service, education service, factory/company, cafe/restaurant, and store) and the general impression of employers toward PWS and people with a physical disability. Material and Methods: One hundred and eighteen employers from 5 business areas in İzmir were contacted and the data were analyzed by using the convenience sampling method. The Public Opinion Survey of Human AttributesStuttering (POSHA-S) is used as a measuring instrument. POSHA-S samples various beliefs, reactions, behaviors, and emotions that can identify social ignorance, stigmatization, and/or discrimination towards stuttering. Results: Employers consider PWS to be shy, timid, angry, and easily excitable. It has been found that employers have negative attitudes toward PWS, and stuttering is an undesirable quality for employers. No significant difference was found between the 5 business areas, different educational statuses and genders, and similar negative attitudes were observed (p>0.05). Furthermore, employers have more negative attitudes toward PWS than they have toward people with a physical disability. Conclusion: There are similar negative attitudes and stigmatization towards stuttering and PWS by employers regardless of business area, age, gender, and educational status. For this reason, PWS will likely have difficulties in employment and maintaining the job, and this will negatively affect the lives of individuals.Öğe Public awareness of childhood language impairment in Turkey: A descriptive study(Turkiye Klinikleri, 2022) Kement, Nurcan; Topbaş, Saime Seyhun; Bulut, TalatObjective: Childhood language impairment (CLI), also known as developmental language disorder, adversely affects children’s expressive and/or receptive language development. Although relatively significant action has been taken to raise public awareness about other developmental disorders in Turkey, limited attention has been paid to CLI. Moreover, no previous study has been conducted about awareness of the Turkish population about CLI. Material and Methods: We carried out the Turkish version of a survey developed by Working Group 3 of COST Action IS1406 to estimate public awareness of CLI regarding its nature, causes and the problems associated with it. Data were collected in the form of face-to-face interviews. The sample included 87 participants from socio-economically diverse districts of İstanbul, Turkey, determined on the basis of the Human Development Index. Results: A significantly lower number of the participants reported having heard of CLI compared to autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and speech disorder. Another finding was that women with children reported having heard of CLI significantly more than those without children. It was also observed that the participants had inadequate knowledge of the problems that individuals with CLI have and of its causes. Conclusion: The current findings highlight the need to take more action to raise public awareness about CLI in Turkey.Öğe Neural correlates of morphological processing: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis(Masson SpA, 2022) Bulut, TalatBackground: Morphemes are the smallest building blocks of language that convey meaning or function. A controversial issue in psycho- and neurolinguistics is whether morphologically complex words consisting of multiple morphemes are processed in a combinatorial manner and, if so, which brain regions underlie this process. Relatively less is known about the neural underpinnings of morphological processing compared to other aspects of grammatical competence such as syntax. Purpose: The present study aimed to shed light on the neural correlates of morphological processing by examining functional convergence for inflectional morphology reported in previous neuroimaging studies. Method: A systematic literature search was performed on PubMed with search terms related to morphological complexity and neuroimaging. 16 studies (279 subjects) comparing regular inflection with stems or irregular inflection met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were subjected to a series of activation likelihood estimation meta-analyses. Results: Significant functional convergence was found in several mainly left frontal regions for processing inflectional morphology. Specifically, the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) was found to be consistently involved in morphological complexity. Diagnostic analyses revealed that involvement of posterior LIFG was robust against potential publication bias and over-influence of individual studies. Furthermore, LIFG involvement was maintained in meta-analyses of subsets of experiments that matched phonological complexity between conditions, although diagnostic analyses suggested that this conclusion may be premature. Conclusion: The findings provide evidence for combinatorial processing of morphologically complex words and inform psycholinguistic accounts of complex word processing. Furthermore, they highlight the role of LIFG in processing inflectional morphology, in addition to syntactic processing as has been emphasized in previous research. In particular, posterior LIFG seems to underlie grammatical functions encompassing inflectional morphology and syntax.Öğe A comparison of peer relations between preschool children who stutter and their fluent peers(AVES, 2021) Kayhan Aktürk, Şükriye; Özdemir, Ramazan SertanObjective: This study aimed to compare the peer relations of preschool children who stutter and their fluent peers. Materials and Methods: The sample comprised 90 children between 5 and 6 years of age, with (n = 45) and without (n = 45) stuttering, and their class teachers. The Child Behavior scale, the Peer Victimization Scale, and the Child Information Form were used as data collection tools. The data were analyzed using the Mann–Whitney U-test and the chi-square test in the SPSS package program. Results: The results revealed significant differences between the children who stutter and their fluent peers in terms of the “asocial with peers,” “excluded by peers,” “anxious-fearful behaviors,” “withdrawn behaviors,” and “hyperactive-distractible” subscales of the Child Behavior Scale (P < .05). The children who stutter received significantly higher scores from all of these subscales, compared to their fluent peers. No significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of the subscales in the Child Behavior Scale including “aggressive with peers” and “prosocial with peers” (P > .05). In addition, the children who stutter received significantly higher “peer victimization” scores from the Peer Victimization Scale than their fluent peers (P < .05). Finally, there were significantly more children who experienced difficulty in adapting to school in the stuttering group (P < .05). Conclusion: Preschool children who stutter differ significantly from their fluent peers in terms of some subscales of peer relations. The findings highlight the need for cooperation between professionals such as speech and language therapists, educators, school counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists, taking into account the peer relations of children who stutter.Öğe The bouba/kiki effect is robust across cultures and writing systems(Royal Society, 2022) Cwiek, Aleksandra; Fuchs, Susanne; Draxler, Christoph; Asu, Eva Liina; Dediu, Dan; Hiovain, Katri; Kawahara, Shigeto; Koutalidis, Sofia; Krifka, Manfred; Lippus, Partel; Lupyan, Gary; Oh, Grace E.; Paul, Jing; Petrone, Caterina; Ridouane, Rachid; Reiter, Sabine; Schumchen, Nathalie; Szalontai, Adam; Ünal-Logacev, Özlem; Zeller, Jochen; Perlman, Marcus; Winter, BodoThe bouba/kiki effect-the association of the nonce word bouba with a round shape and kiki with a spiky shape-is a type of correspondence between speech sounds and visual properties with potentially deep implications for the evolution of spoken language. However, there is debate over the robustness of the effect across cultures and the influence of orthography. We report an online experiment that tested the bouba/kiki effect across speakers of 25 languages representing nine language families and 10 writing systems. Overall, we found strong evidence for the effect across languages, with bouba eliciting more congruent responses than kiki. Participants who spoke languages with Roman scripts were only marginally more likely to show the effect, and analysis of the orthographic shape of the words in different scripts showed that the effect was no stronger for scripts that use rounder forms for bouba and spikier forms for kiki. These results confirm that the bouba/kiki phenomenon is rooted in crossmodal correspondence between aspects of the voice and visual shape, largely independent of orthography. They provide the strongest demonstration to date that the bouba/kiki effect is robust across cultures and writing systems. This article is part of the theme issue 'Voice modulation: from origin and mechanism to social impact (Part II)'.Öğe Visual food cue processing in children with prader-willi syndrome(Elsevier Inc., 2021) Key, Alexandra P.; Jones, Dorita; Zengin Bolatkale, Hatun; Roof, Elizabeth; Hunt-Hawkins, HaileeHyperphagia and the associated interest in food is a characteristic feature of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) that emerges during childhood and remains a life-long concern. This study examined neural responses reflecting food cue salience in children with PWS and typical controls, age 3-12 years. Visual event-related potentials were recorded while participants in satiated state passively viewed photographs of high- and low-calorie foods, animals, and neutral objects. Contrary to the prediction, children with PWS did not demonstrate greater than typical neural responses to food, suggesting that it is not an exceptionally motivationally salient stimulus in PWS. Caregiver reports of greater hyperphagia were associated with neural responses to low-calorie foods suggesting accelerated and more fine-grained visual stimulus categorization in terms of edibility and caloric content. Overall, the findings align more closely with the altered satiety rather than increased food reward models of hyperphagia in PWS.