The effects of exercise on pain and depression in mothers of disabled children who suffer from back pain
Uzun, N., Hajebrahimi, F., Tarakçı, D. ve Tarakçı, E. (2019). The effects of exercise on pain and depression in mothers of disabled children who suffer from back pain. Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR) içinde (1458-1458. ss.). Madrid, Spain, June 12-15, 2019.
Background:The rate of back pain prevalence and its subsequent nega-tive psychological effects is quite high in mothers of disabled children.Family caregivers of children with a disability demonstrate higher degreesof chronic conditions and are more likely to engage in health risk behav-iors (1, 2).Objectives:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects ofhome exercise programs on mothers’back pain, relevant functional influ-ence and the depression level (3).Methods:Forty-two mothers aged 35,71±6,53 were included in this studywhom children were diagnoses with cerebral palsy. Back pain level ofthe mothers was measured with Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), relevantfunctional disability was measured with Oswestry Disability index anddepression level was measured with Beck Depression Scale. Disabilitylevel of their children was measured with Gross Motor Function Classifi-cation System (GMFCS). Following the assessments, a home exerciseprogram consisting of Dynamic Lumbar Stabilization Exercises was givento mothers. They were asked to perform the exercises for three monthsand exercises were checked once in a month.Results:GMFCS average of the children was 3,35±1,57. There was asignificant difference in the pain level (VAS) changed from 4,90±2,67 to3,21±2,50 after the exercise (p=0,000). The difference between theOswestry Disability Index score before (13,92±8,32) and after the exercise(10,76±8.54) was statistically significant (p=0,001). Also there was a sig-nificant difference in the Beck Depression Scale score decreased from25,16±9,46 to 12,76±7,50 (p=0,009).Conclusion:Mothers with disabled children complain about back pain dur-ing activities such as caregiving their children (4). This study reveals thatback pain, relevant functional influence and depression could be reducedin mothers by perform recommended exercises regularly.